Infant Massage Course
(3-week course, 1-week apart: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 from 10-11 AM)
The Infant Massage courses by Mind Body Family are based on the curriculum taught by the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM). At Mind Body Family, our courses are designed to help parents better understand their baby, learn how to read and respect their baby’s cues, and to enhance the connection between infants and their parents. In addition to learning the actual IAIM massage strokes, parents will also learn about behavioral states, infant cues, Gentle Movements (vital for an infant’s development, especially the connection between brain hemispheres), newborn reflexes, a special “Gas and Colic Routine”, and research-based facts about Infant Massage. Please visit our Infant Massage page for more information.
Cost: $150
Registration required: This course is being held at JW Tumbles in Arlington. Please register directly through the JW Tumbles Arlington Website:
JW Tumbles Arlington, Lee Harrison Shopping Center - Lower Level, 2499 N. Harrison St. Arlington, VA 22207