My son was a great sleeper. Then all of the sudden he started screaming and crying before naps and bedtime. Why? Let’s discuss why this happens and what you can do about it!
All tagged baby schedules
My son was a great sleeper. Then all of the sudden he started screaming and crying before naps and bedtime. Why? Let’s discuss why this happens and what you can do about it!
There is so much going on around 6-months of age. Lots of physical changes, developmental changes, new movements, new sounds being made, and more understanding of the outside world. Some of these developments can improve sleep! Some of them can cause major challenges. I mapped out my son’s schedule and nap transitions when he was 6-months old to help you figure out how to handle this age and ALL of the changes in real-time.
As a Pediatric Sleep Expert, I frequently help clients get through this rough patch. I just went through it again myself with my third baby. I took careful notes throughout the phase and I'm here to share them with you!
Transitioning from the swaddle to Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit.
You’ve been working so hard on sleep training, and all of a sudden your child is sick. What do you do?!
Some days I can successfully get out of the house with my infant… some days I can’t. Getting out of the house with an infant is HARD! When is the right window of time? I can help.